Sunday, March 18, 2012

My first competition entry

So last year I entered SOYA, a photo entry competition where Eufora showcases three finalists in a few different hair categories.  Everyday we have make-overs in the salon but often are too busy or lack the foresight to capture the image. It made sense to me to enter this category and use the salons annual creative night photo shoot for my three models. I was so focused on transforming my models that I overlooked the importance of wardrobe styling and thus the shoot was lacking. I woefully chose to redo this photo shoot, maintaing all three models new looks until the next opportunity. A couple months later my friend and fellow hairdresser Jim Wilson was kind enough to offer his photography skills. Further cementing my belief that what a person needs will always be there. I was convinced I had a shot at being a finalist and dare I say even win for the make-over category. It has been an unbelievable creative journey. I did not place. The winner of this category had a far superior vision, and the other two finalists were good. It knocked the wind out of me, but true to the' Eufora families' culture many kind, encouraging words of wisdom were shared at the global 2011 convention. I am still proud of the images shown here, but can't wait to show you what has been happening since...

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